Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013
Musterlösung zu Wiederholung Python (POS1: 2BHIF)
Eine mögliche Lösung zur Aufgabe Wiederholung Python (POS1: 2BHIF) ist folgende:
""" Task 1: Repeat previous material (1st class) 2012-09-10, Harald R. Haberstroh ( """ def input_sentences(): '''returns al list of sentences/lines''' lst = [] eof = False while not eof: try: line = input("Satz: ") lst.append(line) except EOFError: eof = True return lst def _remove_punctuation(string): '''helper removes all punctuation marks within string''' for punctuation in '''"',;.:-''': string = string.replace(punctuation, " ") return string def split_sentences(lst): '''split a list (lst) of sentences into list of list of words''' wordlist = [] for sentence in lst: wordlist.append(_remove_punctuation(sentence).split()) return wordlist def purge_bad_words(lst): '''remove all bad words (length less than 2 chars, words containing non alphabetic chars) ''' for sublist in lst: idx = 0 while idx < len(sublist): if not len(sublist[idx]) >= 2 or not sublist[idx].isalpha(): del(sublist[idx]) else: idx += 1 return lst def analyze_words(lst): '''returns a dictionary of words (with the number of occurrences) of the list of list of words''' dict = {} for sublist in lst: for word in sublist: word = word.lower() if word in dict: dict[word] += 1 else: dict[word] = 1 return dict def analyze_letters(lst): '''returns a dictionary of letters (with the number of occurrences) of the list of list of words''' dict = {} for sublist in lst: for word in sublist: for char in word.lower(): if char in dict: dict[char] += 1 else: dict[char] = 1 return dict def purge_analyzed_letters(dic): '''remove umlauts''' for umlaut in "äöüß": if umlaut in dic: del(dic[umlaut]) return dic def _key(tupl): '''returns 2nd element of tuple for sorting''' return tupl[1] def sort_letters(dic): '''returns a sorted list of tuples of letters, sorted by number of letters''' tuples = list(dic.items()) tuples.sort(key=_key, reverse=True) return tuples def test_input(): '''returns a fixed list of sentences for testing purposes''' return ['Maxi und Mini verliefen sich im Wald, aber bald.', '10 alte Fledermäuse flogen im Wald', 'Hat die alte Meisterhexe...', "Seid's gewesen. Denn als Geister...", 'Erst hervor der alte Meister.'] if __name__ == '__main__': #lst = input_sentences() lst = test_input() print('split_sentences(lst)') wordlist = split_sentences(lst) print(wordlist) print('\npurge_bad_words(wordlist)') wordlist = purge_bad_words(wordlist) print(wordlist) print('\nanalyze_words(wordlist)') print(analyze_words(wordlist)) print('\nanalyze_letters(wordlist)') dic = analyze_letters(wordlist) print(dic) print('\npurge_analyzed_letters(dic)') dic = purge_analyzed_letters(dic) print(dic) print('\nsort_letters(dic)') sorted_letters = sort_letters(dic) print(sorted_letters) print('\n\n*** task 9 ***\n') print('''"abcdef".index("c")''') # ValueError: substring not found print('''ValueError: substring not found''') print('''"abcdef".index("g")''') # ValueError: substring not found print('''ValueError: substring not found''') print('''"abcdef".index("de")''') print("abcdef".index("de")) print('''"c" in "abcdef" ''') print("c" in "abcdef") print('''"g" in "abcdef" ''') print("g" in "abcdef") print('''"de" in "abcdef" ''') print("de" in "abcdef") print('''"abcdef"[2:4]''') print("abcdef"[2:4]) print('''"abcdef"[2:]''') print("abcdef"[2:]) print('''"abcdef"[-1]''') print("abcdef"[-1]) print('''"abcdef"[2:-1]''') print("abcdef"[2:-1]) print('''[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].index(3)''') print([1, 2, 3, 4, 5].index(3)) print('''[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].index(9)''') # ValueError: 9 is not in list print('''ValueError: 9 is not in list''') print('''[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][5]''') # IndexError: list index out of range print('''IndexError: list index out of range''') print('''[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][2:4]''') print([1, 2, 3, 4, 5][2:4]) print('''[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][-2]''') print([1, 2, 3, 4, 5][-2]) print('''[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][5:9]''') print([1, 2, 3, 4, 5][5:9]) print('''[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][4:]''') print([1, 2, 3, 4, 5][4:]) print('''len("abc") + len(range(3)) + len({1, 2, 3}) + len({1: 2, 2: 3})''') print(len("abc") + len(range(3)) + len({1, 2, 3}) + len({1: 2, 2: 3}))
Labels: Lösung, POS1-2, Python
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